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What the green rushes whisper cover

The history we live...

This is a novel about a time when history was about to explode. It is set in a period just before the Great War, before the Easter Rising, before the War of Independence and leading up to the 1913 Lockout in Ireland. Big Jim Larkin, James Connolly and Richard Corish were striding the streets of Wexford.

It is a story of an ordinary woman and her life. It is a story of service and courage.

Vonnie Banville Evans draws upon her own Grandmother's life and the history of her home town. She reflects the language, beliefs and hopes of the people of that time. She writes with great sympathy for all those living in the shadow of tumultuous change.

Photos and speeches from launch.

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The House in the Faythe cover

As much a time as a place...

This book is about being a child in a small town in Ireland in the 1940’s and 1950’s. It was a time and a place where life was magical and ready to be explored. Events that happened all those years ago are brought vividly to life with the realisation, love and hindsight that living has provided.

“a childhood remembered with affection by sounds and smells and feelings; by the happiness of the great outings to Rosslare; the excitement of the mighty games of taws, when every child in the area walked around with a little cloth purse full of want to know more about these people who lived in a world where children feared the bogeyman, drank water from the pump, listened to Dick Barton on the wireless and saw every film that came to town.”

Maeve Binchy - The Irish Times

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annas dream cover (304K)

The Rocks have a secret...

It is 1949 and Anna is thirteen. She having a recurrent dream about 1649 and a girl called Nanette. Can she really reach back three hundred years to influence those infamous days in the story of Wexford? Can she really understand the courage it takes for one small girl to stand up and be counted? Is it all a dream or is it a race to learn the secret of the Rocks before history runs out of time?

“The rocks which rise behind Anna Dunville’s house in Wexford are the gathering place for her gang of friends, where they build huts and plan adventures. But no adventure could match the one that awaits Anna in...a gripping story that leads Anna and her friends to delve into the terrible events of three hundred years before...”

Gordon Snell - The Irish Times